Greetings from the Pines of Camp Woodstock! Today was busy but a great first full day! Cabin 12 had a lot of fun and did a great job sweeping the dining hall this morning after breakfast. After we learned some more cheers in our units, we went to first choice acts of the summer! Campers in Cabin 1 said that their favorite part of the morning was swim lessons and campers in Cabin 10 had so much fun in guitar class! Lunch today was filled with tons of cheers before we enjoyed some much needed rest during rest hour. After that, we went to our afternoon classes before FREE SWIM! There were so many smiling faces swimming in Black Pond, playing Gaga and Ultimate Frisbee, and enjoying Chipwhiches and ChocoTacos on Clover Terrace at the picnic tables. Our evening program tonight was “Evening With the Stars”, so camp was teeming with superheroes, super villains, paparazzi, and very busy talent agents. We think it’s safe to say that everyone will sleep well tonight! Check back for updates!

Good night from Camp Woodstock!